Medium dark roast — Chiaroscuro


Variety: Mixed varietal
Variety: Caturra, Castillo
Profile: Medium Dark
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1500m-2100m
Origin: Inza, Cauca, Colombia
Tasting Notes: Cherry, blackberry, toffee, dark chocolate, full bodied.
SCA Cupping Score: 85.25


Chiaroscuro Roast:Suukala – Asorcafe

The Municipality of Inza in Cauca is an area of land that sits high on a Colombian plateau called the Macizo Colombiano. This area is perfect for growing specialty coffee as altitudes reach over 2000masl. Inzá is mostly known for its indigenous history and coffee. Its history goes back to 1577 where a Spaniard, Sancho García de Espino, established camp where Inzá is today.

Asorcafe was founded on July 11, 2003 in the town of Pedegral in Inza and currently has 290 members. The association was set up to help these producers become organised to sell their coffees as specialty, but also to provide a structure to further their education and to improve economic and social conditions for themselves, their families and their community.

These small producers work on plots of land between 1.8 and 2ha and farm coffee up to altitudes of 2100masl. The farms are planted with caturra, typica, bourbon, tabi, castillo and some pink bourbon. Traditionally the coffee is fully washed. Once harvested, the coffee is pulped and fermented for between 20 to 40 hours depending on the local environment. After this the coffee is washed and any immatures removed and then it is dried for between 8 and 15 days in parabolic driers.

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 29.5 × 19 × 5 cm

Whole Bean, Cafetiere, Espresso, Filter, Moka Pot


250g (letterbox friendly), 500g, 1kg

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